Our Classes

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Neck, back, shoulder relief

For many of us, hours spent hunched over a computer or a digital phone, and stress and anxiety causes tension and often pain in our neck, back and shoulders. Unless corrected, as we age it can result in the “posture of senility,” (Thomas Hanna’s words, the founder of somatics.) Somatic movements can permanently reverse this condition allowing tight muscles to release and lengthen.


Easier walking

For a variety of reasons — injuries, repetitive, one-sided movements, tight muscles virtually anywhere in the body — walking is not always fluid and effortless. Somatic movements go beyond the symptoms and address the cause of pain and tightness which prevent easy walking. All somatic movements contribute to moving and walking freely.


Release hip, leg pain

Muscle pain and tension, whether in the hips and legs or elsewhere in the body, is seldom something we have to accept and live with. By doing slow, gentle movements, we become aware of the tight muscles and the brain naturally lets them release and function normally.

Book a Class

Online group classes are held throughout the week. These classes are suitable for any age or fitness level. Private sessions are also available for people who require individual instruction tailored to their specific needs.